Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Block graphs (4)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Block graphs (4)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the "Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together" series, the lesson on block graphs offers a practical approach to understanding data representation. The provided block graph illustrates the quantity of different fruits sold at the school canteen during lunchtime. Students are encouraged to interpret the graph to answer questions about the sales. For instance, they must determine the value represented by a single block on the graph, which is crucial for decoding the information accurately. Moreover, the exercise includes specific questions asking for the number of peaches and bananas sold, requiring students to count the corresponding blocks for each fruit.

The activity also prompts students to compare the quantities and identify which fruit was the most popular based on the highest number of blocks. This encourages critical thinking as they analyse the graph to draw conclusions about the canteen's fruit sales. The lesson is designed to enhance the students' ability to read and interpret block graphs, a fundamental skill in data handling. For further practice and reinforcement of the concepts learned, students are directed to workbook pages 96 to 101, where they can engage with more exercises and examples related to block graphs.