Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Counting within 1000 (1)

Maths Resource Description
In a Year 3 mathematics lesson from the Max Maths series, students are learning the important skill of counting within 1000. The focus of this particular session is on understanding how to count on and back by ones within this range. To illustrate the concept, the lesson presents a scenario where Padma creates the number 325 using counting blocks. She then adds four individual ones blocks to this number. To visualize the counting process, Tya represents the numbers sequentially on a number line, marking the progression from 325 to 329. This visual aid demonstrates the incremental increase by one with each step and reinforces the concept of counting on by ones.
Continuing with the lesson, another example is introduced where Han demonstrates the opposite process: counting back by ones. Using a number line, Han marks the numbers 768, 767, 766, 765, and 764, showing a decreasing sequence. Students are then presented with a question that prompts them to identify the number that logically follows this pattern. By engaging with these exercises, the children are encouraged to understand and practice the method of counting forwards and backwards by one unit, which is a fundamental skill in building their numerical fluency within the range of 1000. This hands-on approach, using both physical counting blocks and a number line, helps to solidify the students' comprehension of counting in a structured and accessible manner.