Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Units of volume (5)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Units of volume (5)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 2 maths lesson, students are introduced to the concept of volume, specifically learning how to convert millilitres into litres and millilitres. A practical example is given where students must determine the volume of water in a fuel can that contains 2,400 ml. The exercise guides them through the conversion process by breaking down the volume into 2,000 ml (which is equivalent to 2 litres) and the remaining 400 ml. Through this, students learn that 2,400 ml is the same as 2 litres and 400 millilitres. This visual and step-by-step approach helps young learners grasp the relationship between millilitres and litres, reinforcing their understanding of volume measurements.

Further exploration of volume is encouraged as students compare different volumes in relation to the 1-litre benchmark. They are presented with everyday items such as a can of paint, a bottle of soft drink, and a cup of coffee, and are asked to assess whether these contain more or less than 1 litre. This part of the lesson helps students to visualise and understand volume in real-world contexts, making the abstract concept of measurement more tangible and relatable. The lesson aims to build a solid foundation for understanding units of volume, an essential skill for everyday life.