Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Units of volume (3)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Units of volume (3)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 2 lesson about units of volume, children learn how to measure and understand the volume of liquids using millilitres (ml) and litres (l). The lesson illustrates a practical example where a bottle of water, which has a volume of 1,000 ml, is poured into a measuring cylinder. This visual representation helps children grasp that 1,000 ml is equivalent to 1 litre, reinforcing the concept that these are two different units for measuring the same quantity of liquid. By showing that the water fills the measuring cylinder up to the 1 litre mark, students can see the direct correlation between millilitres and litres.

The lesson further explores volume by demonstrating that two bottles, each containing 1 litre of water, together have a volume of 2 litres. This example is visualised with two separate measuring cylinders, each showing 1 litre of water, to underscore the idea that litres are another standard unit of measurement for liquids. The term 'litre' is abbreviated to 'l', which is a key piece of information for students to remember. Through these activities, children learn to convert between millilitres and litres and to understand volume as a measure of how much space a liquid takes up.