Max Maths, Year 2, Try it, Comparing masses

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Try it, Comparing masses
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Max Maths Year 2 curriculum, there is an engaging activity designed to help young learners understand the concept of comparing masses. This particular exercise, titled 'Let's Try It', encourages children to identify which of two objects is heavier by visually comparing them and then ticking the appropriate box. The activity is presented with a series of pairs of objects, labelled from (a) to (d), and the students are tasked with determining which object in each pair has the greater mass.

This hands-on approach to learning allows children to develop their reasoning and estimation skills in a practical context. The activity is likely to feature images or representations of everyday items, making the task relatable and easier to comprehend. By ticking the box next to the heavier object for each pair, students not only learn about mass and weight but also practice making comparisons and decisions based on observable properties of objects. This type of exercise is an excellent way for children to apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations in a fun and interactive manner.