Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Unit fractions (3)

Maths Resource Description
In a Year 2 mathematics lesson from Max Maths, students explore unit fractions through a practical and visual activity. Han, a character in the lesson, demonstrates an understanding of fractions by folding a piece of paper into four equal parts and colouring one part red. This hands-on approach helps students to see that when the paper is divided into equal sections, colouring one section represents one quarter (1/4) of the whole paper. The concept of equality in fractions is emphasised, ensuring that students recognise that each part must be the same size for the fraction to be accurate.
Furthering this exploration, Han attempts to fold the paper into four parts again, but this time in a different way, and colours one part blue. When he claims to have coloured 1/4 of the square again, the lesson points out a common misconception: if the parts are not equal, then one cannot accurately claim to have coloured 1/4 of the whole. The lesson reinforces the idea that for a fraction to represent a part of a whole correctly, the parts must be of equal size. The activity concludes by affirming Han's successful attempt when all parts are equal, and he correctly colours 1/4 of the whole. Students are then directed to workbook pages 110 to 113 to practice and consolidate their understanding of unit fractions.