Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Equal sharing (3)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Equal sharing (3)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Max Maths lesson aimed at Year 2 students, the concept of equal sharing is introduced through a practical and relatable example. The lesson focuses on dividing a set of objects into equal groups, a fundamental skill in understanding division. The scenario presented involves a total of 10 teddy bears, and the students are tasked with determining how many equal groups of 2 bears each can be formed. This hands-on approach helps to visualise the division process and makes it more engaging for young learners.

The solution to the problem is clearly illustrated, showing that 5 groups of 2 bears can be made from the 10 teddy bears. This example demonstrates the division operation in a simple and accessible way: 10 divided by 5 equals 2. Through this activity, students learn not only how to divide, but also how to interpret division as the process of making equal groups. This provides a strong foundation for their understanding of division and prepares them for more complex mathematical concepts in the future.