Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Comparing and ordering numbers to 100 (3)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Comparing and ordering numbers to 100 (3)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 2 maths lesson from Max Maths, children learn to compare and order numbers up to 100. The lesson uses a number line as a visual aid to help students understand the concept of relative value between numbers. For example, when presented with the numbers 67 and 76 on a number line, students are prompted to identify which number is larger. The number line clearly shows that 67 is to the left of 76. Since numbers increase in value from left to right on the number line, it becomes evident that 76 is the greater number. To express this, children learn to use the symbol '>', writing 76 > 67 to indicate that 76 is bigger than 67.

Furthering this concept, the lesson then asks students to compare three numbers: 80, 72, and 94, which are also displayed on a number line. By observing the numbers from right to left, students can see that 94 is the furthest to the right, making it the biggest number, followed by 80, and then 72, which is the smallest. The children learn to arrange these numbers in descending order, from the biggest to the smallest, using the 'greater than' symbol to denote the sequence. Hence, they write 94 > 80 > 72. The lesson reinforces the understanding of the symbols '<' and '>', explaining that '<' means 'less than' and '>' means 'more than', helping students to compare and order numbers effectively.