Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Estimating numbers to 100 (13)

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Learn together, Estimating numbers to 100 (13)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 2 mathematics lesson from the Max Maths series, students are learning the valuable skill of estimation, specifically estimating numbers up to 100. Han is presented as a character who wants to estimate the number of buttons he has before counting them individually. To do this, he adopts Padma's strategy, which involves first counting a group of 10 buttons to create a base unit. Then he proceeds to count the remaining buttons in multiples of this base unit, grouping them into tens. This method allows Han to quickly approximate the total number without having to count each button one by one.

Using this technique, Han counts seven groups of ten buttons, which leads him to an estimate of 70 buttons. Upon counting each button to verify, the actual number turns out to be 74, showing that his estimation was quite accurate, being only four buttons off. This exercise demonstrates to the students how estimating by grouping items into tens can be an effective way to get a close approximation of a larger number. It also encourages them to try out the method for themselves, reinforcing the concept that estimation is a practical approach to gauge the quantity of items without relying on exact counting.