Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book, Rounding numbers

Year 2
Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book, Rounding numbers
Max Maths
Max Maths

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In 'Max Maths, Year 2, Work Book', students are introduced to the concept of rounding numbers through Practice 6. This exercise provides a visual and interactive way for children to grasp the idea of approximating numbers to the nearest ten. The first part of the activity, on page 27, asks students to colour the arrow pointing to a specific number on a number line and then round that number to the closest ten. For instance, the number 27, when rounded to the nearest ten, becomes approximately 30. Similarly, students are asked to identify and colour the arrows for the numbers 45, 92, 66, and 4, and then round each to the nearest ten, with the expected rounded numbers being 50, 90, 70, and 0, respectively.

Continuing on page 28, the workbook provides a second set of rounding exercises, where students need to tick the box that represents the rounded figure for given numbers. For example, when asked to round 57 to the nearest ten, children should tick the box next to the number 60. The same process is followed for the numbers 25, 95, and 44, with the correct rounded numbers being 30, 100, and 40, respectively. These activities help reinforce the concept of rounding and provide a foundation for understanding estimation and number approximation.