Max Maths, Year 1, Practice, Coins

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Practice, Coins
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the "Max Maths" practice activity for Year 1 students, children are encouraged to engage with real-world maths by identifying and counting different coins. The activity is simple and interactive, asking the pupils to look at a series of coins and determine how many of each type are present. They are tasked with spotting and counting six different denominations of coins, ranging from the smallest value of 1-cent to the larger value of 50-cent coins.

The exercise lists the coins in groups, with each group representing a different value. The children must count the number of 1-cent, 2-cent, 5-cent, 10-cent, 20-cent, and 50-cent coins. For example, they will see multiple instances of 1-cent coins grouped together and must count how many times this coin appears. This activity not only helps with their counting skills but also familiarises them with the various coins used in everyday transactions. After completing the coin counting task, students are directed to continue their practice on workbook pages 186 to 187, where they can find additional exercises to reinforce their understanding of money and its values.

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