Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Comparing the length of more than two objects

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Comparing the length of more than two objects
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a practical exercise tailored for Year 1 pupils, 'Max Maths' introduces the concept of comparing lengths using visual and interactive methods. The activity titled "Comparing the length of more than two objects" encourages children to develop their observational and comparative skills. The first task presents a series of paper strips labelled C, D, A, and B. Pupils are asked to identify which paper strip is the longest and the shortest. They are also challenged to place the remaining strips in order by length, determining which is longer or shorter than the others. This activity not only helps students understand the concept of length but also introduces them to ordering and relational vocabulary.

Following the paper strips exercise, students move on to arrange chess pieces in order from the shortest to the tallest, reinforcing their understanding of height comparison. Another set of questions prompts them to observe different objects and characters, such as sticks held by children named Samir, Padma, and Toby, as well as a series of birds and trees labelled A, B, and C. The children must decide who has the longest stick, which bird is the highest, and which tree is the tallest. These exercises are designed to be engaging and accessible, making use of relatable items and scenarios to teach fundamental measurement concepts. For further practice, the pupils are directed to workbook pages 147 to 149, where they can continue to refine their understanding of length and height comparison.