Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Grouping shapes

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Grouping shapes
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the 'Try It' section of Max Maths for Year 1, students are introduced to the concept of grouping shapes based on certain characteristics. The exercise begins by presenting several sets of shapes, with each set grouped according to a specific, but unspecified, attribute. Students are then asked to determine the common characteristic for each set and to identify which set additional shapes belong to. This activity encourages children to observe patterns and similarities between different geometric figures, enhancing their understanding of classification and properties of shapes.

Further along in the exercise, students are given another task where they must use their critical thinking to spot the odd one out. They are presented with groups of shapes and are instructed to colour the shape that does not fit with the others in its set. This helps to reinforce their ability to differentiate between shapes based on their attributes. The activity is designed to be engaging and interactive, promoting the development of early geometry skills. For additional practice, students are directed to workbook pages 131 to 134, where they can continue to explore and consolidate their learning through more exercises on grouping shapes.