Max Maths, Year 1, Practice, Subtraction by taking away

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Practice, Subtraction by taking away
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In the Max Maths Year 1 practice section on subtraction by taking away, young learners are invited to engage with the concept of subtraction through a series of exercises. The 'Let's Practise' activity provides children with an opportunity to complete subtraction sentences by determining the missing numbers. This hands-on approach encourages students to apply their understanding of subtraction as a method of taking away one number from another to find the difference.

The activity consists of four subtraction sentences, labelled from (a) to (d), each with blank spaces where numbers should be. The goal for the students is to fill in these blanks with the correct numbers that complete the subtraction equations. To further reinforce their learning and provide additional practice, students are directed to work through pages 102 to 105 in their workbook. These workbook pages likely contain similar subtraction problems and potentially more challenging exercises to help solidify the students' grasp of the concept of taking away in subtraction.