Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Doubling near numbers

Year 1
Max Maths, Year 1, Try it, Doubling near numbers
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the 'Max Maths' programme for Year 1, children are introduced to the concept of doubling and near doubling to simplify addition. The 'Try it' section presents a scenario with bottles on shelves to illustrate these methods. For example, if there are 7 bottles on one shelf and 6 on another, the children are encouraged to find the sum by recognizing that 6 is near double 7, with only a difference of 1. This approach helps students understand addition by relating it to the concept of doubling a number and then adjusting by the small difference.

The 'Let’s Practise' exercises provide students with a clear opportunity to apply what they've learned. In the first part, they complete addition sentences using the doubling method, such as adding 2 + 2, 3 + 3, all the way up to 7 + 7. This reinforces the concept of doubling as a straightforward method of addition. The second part of the exercise shifts the focus to the near doubles method, where students complete addition sentences for pairs of numbers that are close in value, like 5 + 6 or 4 + 3. This helps them to grasp the concept of using a known double to solve a similar addition problem. To further practice these methods, the children are directed to workbook pages 100 to 101, where additional exercises and examples are provided.