Missing number sequences worksheet

Year 6
Missing number sequences worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

The "Missing number sequences worksheet" is a maths activity designed for children to explore and understand the concept of functions and sequences, with an emphasis on expressing these mathematically. In Activity 1, students are encouraged to select a function machine card along with three digit cards to use as inputs. The task requires them to calculate the corresponding output numbers, swap their findings with a partner for verification, and then express the calculation in algebraic form. This activity also offers variations, such as using more cards for inputs or reversing the process by starting with the output numbers to work out the inputs, thereby deepening their understanding of functions and algebraic expressions.

Activity 2 shifts the focus to number sequences, where students are provided with various sequences and are tasked with identifying the underlying rule of each. Once the pattern is determined, they must extend the sequence by writing the next five numbers. Furthermore, they are challenged to encapsulate the rule of the sequence into a formula, which helps them to express the sequences algebraically. The objective of these activities is to enhance the students' ability to recognise patterns and represent them using algebraic notation, which is a fundamental skill in mathematics education.

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