Linear number sequences worksheet

Year 6
Linear number sequences worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

The worksheet from KS2Gems focuses on enhancing students' understanding of linear number sequences through a series of interactive activities. In Activity 1, each student selects one function machine card and three digit cards to determine the input number. The task is to calculate the corresponding output numbers, encouraging students to apply mathematical operations. They then exchange their work with a partner to verify the accuracy of their calculations. This activity also offers variations, such as increasing the number of input cards or reversing the process by using digit cards to find the input from a given output.

Activity 2 builds on the previous task by having each student choose two function machine cards and three digit cards as their input numbers. Again, the objective is to calculate the output numbers, fostering the students' ability to handle multiple operations. Afterward, they swap their results with a partner for cross-checking. The activity suggests further challenges, including using a larger set of cards for inputs or determining the input for a given output. In Activity 3, the focus shifts to identifying rules in number sequences. Students are tasked with determining the next five numbers in a given sequence and writing a formula that represents it. This hones their skills in pattern recognition and algebraic thinking. The final activity, Activity 4, involves students selecting a function machine card and writing clues for an input number, which their partner must deduce to find the output, adding an element of problem-solving and critical thinking to the exercise.