Converting units of mass Target Board

Year 6
Converting units of mass Target Board
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

AI generated

KS2Gems2022 introduces a dynamic teaching tool known as Target Boards, designed to enhance Year 6 students' proficiency in converting units of mass. The specific objective of Target Board 2 is to challenge students to convert measurements of mass into different units, using decimal notation up to three decimal places. This interactive method is an excellent way to practice mathematical skills, whether at the beginning or end of a lesson. It's also an effective technique for retrieval practice, helping students to reinforce and recall previously learned information.

Target Boards are versatile and can be used with the entire class or within smaller groups. The teacher displays the board, and students are equipped with whiteboards and pens to engage in the activity. The teacher can direct the class with specific tasks, such as converting the top row of measurements into kilograms or identifying all measurements that fall within a certain range. The boards contain a variety of mass measurements in grams and kilograms, with some values presented in decimals. This allows for differentiated challenges, ensuring that students of different abilities are engaged and learning at an appropriate level. The Target Boards are a stimulating way for students to practice conversions and understand the relationship between different units of mass.