Problem solving with place value worksheet

Maths Resource Description
In an engaging worksheet focused on problem-solving with place value, students are given a series of activities that challenge their understanding of large numbers. Activity 1 utilises blank number lines, with some having intervals marked and others not. Students are required to select starting and ending numbers on these lines and then accurately place specified 6 and 7-digit numbers. They must reflect on their reasoning for the placement of each number. For a more interactive approach, a variation of this activity involves creating a giant number line in a spacious area, such as a hall or playground, where children can physically position themselves in the correct order, ideally working in small groups or pairs.
Activity 2 introduces a hands-on experience with 0-9 digit cards. Each child or pair is given a set of 6 or 7 digit cards and tasked with determining how many different numbers they can create. They are prompted to identify the largest and smallest possible numbers they can form with these cards. An important discussion point arises when considering the role of the digit '0' and how it affects the total number of possible combinations for 6 or 7-digit numbers. A variation of this activity can be done using a complete set of 0-9 number cards to further explore place value concepts. In Activity 3, students are given a 6 or 7-digit number and asked to represent it in as many ways as possible using place value (PV) counters and a PV grid. Working in pairs allows for peer checking and collaborative learning. The objectives of these activities are to solve numerical and practical problems that require a deep understanding of place value, with a focus on whole group participation (WGP) and individual practice (P).