Decimal and Percentage Teacher Instructions

Year 5
Decimal and Percentage Teacher Instructions
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

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The instructional booklet provided is a comprehensive resource tailored for Year 5 students to master Decimals and Percentages. Each activity within the booklet is aligned with specific objectives, which are clearly indicated at the start of each page, ensuring that teachers can easily identify the purpose and relevance of the exercises. To facilitate effective learning, the booklet outlines the necessary equipment and resources required for each task. Activities are categorised by the recommended group size for participation, with symbols indicating whether they are suitable for the whole class, smaller groups, or pairs.

Teachers have the flexibility to integrate these activities into their lesson plans in various ways. They can be used at the START of a lesson to recap and assess prior knowledge, during the MAIN part of the lesson to strengthen new learning, or at the END to evaluate students' progress. These activities are designed to complement and enhance the existing curriculum and teaching materials. Additionally, the resource suggests that children who require extra support could benefit from repeated engagement with these exercises. To further support learning, the booklet references additional resources available on the KS2Gems website, including a variety of tools and templates such as target boards, loop cards, PowerPoint presentations, and model templates, all aimed at bolstering students' understanding of decimals and percentages.

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