Equivalent fractions worksheet

Maths Resource Description
In a dynamic worksheet designed for KS2 students, the focus is on understanding and finding equivalent fractions through a series of engaging activities. The first activity requires visual aids to represent proper fractions, whiteboards, and pens. Students are presented with a visual fraction and tasked with writing it down, then challenged to come up with three equivalent fractions and depict them visually. For added excitement, a variation includes a timed challenge where students race to find as many equivalent fractions as possible within a set time frame.
The second activity encourages creativity and consolidation of learning, as children are asked to use large paper sheets and coloured markers to create a poster that summarises the process of finding equivalent fractions. An alternative and more rhythmic approach suggests students compose a rap to remember the steps involved. The third activity utilises proper fraction digit cards and fraction walls, where each student picks a proper fraction and then uses the fraction wall to discover as many equivalent fractions as they can. This hands-on approach helps solidify the concept of equivalent fractions. The objectives of these activities are clear: to identify, name, and write equivalent fractions, including tenths and hundredths, using visual representations to aid understanding.