Part Whole Models

Year 4
Part Whole Models
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

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In Year 4, students are introduced to Part Whole Models as a visual method to understand place value, particularly focusing on hundredths. These models are a way of breaking down numbers into their constituent parts. For example, the number 34 can be separated into 3 tens and 4 ones. Similarly, the number 0.73, which includes hundredths, can be divided into 7 tenths and 3 hundredths. This visual representation helps students to grasp the concept of place value by showing the value of each digit in a number. Students are tasked with completing Part Whole Models by filling in the missing parts of the number to reinforce their understanding of how numbers are composed of tens, ones, tenths, and hundredths.

The exercise extends to challenge students with different numbers, prompting them to explore various ways numbers can be partitioned into tenths and hundredths. For instance, the number 0.64 could be partitioned into 6 tenths and 4 hundredths, or alternatively, 64 hundredths. This activity encourages flexibility in thinking about place value and helps students to see the multiple ways a number can be broken down into its parts. The repetitive nature of completing the Part Whole Models reinforces the understanding of place value and prepares students for more complex mathematical concepts involving decimal numbers.