Four in Four - Multiplication Set H 2 digit number 5, 10

Maths Resource Description
The "Four in Four" series, specifically Set H, is a collection of timed multiplication worksheets designed for Year 3 students to enhance their proficiency in multiplying 2-digit numbers by 5 and by 10. Each worksheet contains four multiplication problems, and the challenge set for the students is to complete all calculations within a span of four minutes. This exercise aims to promote quick mental arithmetic and accuracy in multiplication, providing a structured approach to learning these essential mathematical operations. The sheets are neatly organised, with space for students to fill in the date and their name before tackling the problems.
With ten different sheets available in Set H, students are presented with a variety of multiplication scenarios, ensuring a comprehensive practice of the concepts. For instance, Sheet 1 includes problems such as 21 x 10 and 14 x 5, while Sheet 10 presents more challenging calculations like 94 x 10 and 85 x 5. Each sheet is carefully curated to reinforce the understanding of multiplying by multiples of 5 and 10, which are foundational skills in mathematics. The series also includes an answer key, allowing both students and educators to easily check the accuracy of the completed work. This resource, created by KS2Gems in 2021, serves as an excellent tool for classroom activities or homework assignments.