Identifying angles worksheet

Year 3
Identifying angles worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

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A series of engaging and educational activities have been designed for children to explore and identify angles, specifically focusing on their ability to recognise right angles and compare them to other angles. In the first activity, children use geoboards and elastic bands to create angles, which they then exchange with a partner to determine if the angles are greater or smaller than a right angle, earning points for each correct answer. The second activity utilises moveable analogue clocks to investigate the angles formed between the minute and hour hands at different times, categorising them as less than, equal to, or greater than a right angle.

Further practical exercises include using a large outdoor area and chalk to make turns using right angles, and predicting the final facing direction, incorporating compass points for added complexity. Children also examine the angles present in capital letters and the school's name on paper, and they craft a right angle measurer from paper plates to find and compare angles within the classroom or outdoors. Another activity involves sorting 2D shapes based on the number of right angles they contain. The final task challenges children to draw mazes on squared paper and write instructions incorporating angles and directional vocabulary, which they then test with a friend. These activities aim to solidify the understanding of angles as a property of shapes and as descriptors of turns, enhancing spatial awareness and geometric reasoning.

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