Compare and order numbers up to 100 worksheet

Year 3
Compare and order numbers up to 100 worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems

Maths Resource Description

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The worksheet aims to help children develop their skills in comparing and ordering three-digit numbers up to 1000 through a series of interactive activities. Activity 1 requires a set of three-digit number cards and a spacious area such as a hall, playground, or field. Each child receives a number card and is instructed to keep it private, unless they need adult support. The activity involves the teacher calling out specific criteria, prompting the children to position themselves accordingly, such as standing to the right if their number is less than 500. After moving, the children form small groups to verify that everyone is in the correct location based on their numbers, with some children explaining their reasoning.

Building on the first activity, Activity 2 uses the same number cards and space. The children, already divided into groups, are asked to arrange themselves in ascending order. Subsequently, groups are merged, challenging the children to maintain the numerical order within the larger group. This activity also includes a variation where children must sort themselves silently and practice both ascending and descending order. Finally, Activity 3 introduces a 10-line grid for each child. The teacher selects a range of 50 numbers and announces ten numbers within that range. Children must place these numbers into their grid in order, writing any numbers that don't fit in sequence to the side of the grid. The goal is to have the least number of numbers written outside the grid, fostering the children's ability to sequence numbers accurately.

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