Recognise place value in a 3-digit number worksheet

Year 3
Recognise place value in a 3-digit number worksheet
KS2 Gems
KS2 Gems
AI generated

The worksheet is designed to help Year 6 students understand and recognise the place value of digits in three-digit numbers. The first activity involves using three-digit number cards in a large space, such as a hall or playground. Each child receives a card with a three-digit number and is instructed to keep it private. The teacher then issues various criteria related to the hundreds, tens, and ones places, prompting the children to move to specific areas based on their number. For instance, those with a hundreds digit greater than five may be asked to stand to the left. After moving, the children form small groups to check each other's numbers and confirm that they are in the correct place. The activity is repeated with different criteria, encouraging the students to engage with the concept of place value actively.

Subsequent activities continue to build on the concept of place value in varied and interactive ways. For example, in Activity 2, the teacher provides clues about a hidden three-digit number, and the children use these hints to deduce the correct number. Another activity challenges students to identify a three-digit number that reads the same forwards, backwards, and upside down, with a list of possible answers provided. Further exercises include identifying numbers with two identical digits in the hundreds and tens places and a different digit in the ones place, and using place value-related questions to guess a number the teacher is thinking of. Each activity is designed to reinforce the students' understanding of place value through practical and engaging methods, using whiteboards and pens to allow for easy participation and correction.

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