Converting Unit - Assessment

Year 6
Converting Unit - Assessment
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The 'Converting Units' assessment for Year 6 students is a comprehensive test of their ability to understand and apply different units of measurement. The worksheet includes a variety of questions that require students to choose appropriate units for measuring items such as the weight of a pen, the length of a classroom, and the height of a mountain, with options including centimetres (cm), metres (m), kilograms (kg), kilometres (km), and grams (g). Additionally, students must estimate the capacity of a milk container in litres, millilitres, and grams, and complete sentences by converting measurements between units, such as converting metres to centimetres, grams to kilograms, and litres to millilitres.

Further challenges include mathematical problems involving the conversion of distances, such as determining how many metres are in 83 kilometres, and converting between miles and kilometres using approximate equivalences. Students must also apply their knowledge of weight conversions to calculate the weight of an individual in ounces based on their weight in stone. The assessment also includes real-life applications, such as calculating whether Rosie has purchased enough washing powder in various box sizes to meet her needs, and determining the total cost of her purchase. To complete the worksheet, students must demonstrate their understanding of the relationship between different units and their confidence in converting units through a series of marked questions and self-assessment prompts.

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