Converting Unit - Calculate with Metric Measures - Starter

Year 6
Converting Unit - Calculate with Metric Measures - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The educational material presents a series of exercises suitable for Year 6 students during their Spring Term, specifically in Week 7, Day 3. The exercises begin with a 'Fluent in Four - Revision' section where students tackle quick mental arithmetic challenges. The first question requires halving 986 and then multiplying the result by three, while the second question is a straightforward multiplication of 183 by 4. These questions are designed to sharpen the pupils' numeracy skills and provide a warm-up for the more complex tasks ahead.

Subsequently, the students are asked to complete a conversion table, transforming grams into kilograms with values such as 0.124, 34, and 54,600 grams. This exercise reinforces their understanding of metric measures and conversion between units. In addition to numerical conversions, there is a data interpretation task involving a table that categorizes children by age groups and whether they eat breakfast. The specific question asks how many children aged between 18 – 20 and 10 – 13 eat breakfast. The answer, found by adding the respective figures from the table, is 48. Another question, possibly related to a different part of the exercise, asks for the measure of each angle, with the provided answers being 13° and 77°.

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