Algebra - Solve Simple (one-step Equations) - Worksheet

Year 6
Algebra - Solve Simple (one-step Equations) - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet "Solve Simple One-step Equations" from is designed to help Year 6 students understand and solve one-step algebraic equations. The National Curriculum objective covered in this lesson includes using simple formulae, generating and describing linear number sequences, and expressing missing number problems algebraically. Students are also tasked with finding pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns. The resources provided for this lesson include differentiated sheets, teaching slides, and concrete materials such as balance scales, cubes, counters, and cups to facilitate hands-on learning.

Key vocabulary for the lesson includes algebra, equations, four operations, substitution, formulae, and different values. Students are encouraged to create their own equations using cups and counters, and to understand the concept of balance, which represents equality in equations. Through a variety of activities, children will learn to solve equations by writing them out from diagrams and matching them to the correct bar models, which help visualise the equations. The bar models vary, with some having variables only in the first row and numbers only in the second row, while others have variables in both rows. The lesson also includes reasoning and problem-solving tasks, where students form and solve equations to find unknown values, such as the ages of people or the size of angles in triangles.

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