Algebra - Formulae - Worksheet

Year 6
Algebra - Formulae - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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This set of worksheets and teaching materials from Master the Curriculum focuses on the use of simple formulae within a Year 6 mathematics lesson. The National Curriculum objectives covered include using simple formulae, generating and describing linear number sequences, expressing missing number problems algebraically, and finding pairs of numbers that satisfy equations with two unknowns. Students are equipped with differentiated sheets and teaching slides to aid their learning. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as algebra, substitution, formulae, and different values.

During the lesson, children will learn to substitute values into familiar formulae, such as those used to calculate area and volume. They will also apply formulae to everyday scenarios, like determining the cost of a taxi ride or calculating the dosage of medicine based on a person's age. Key questions posed to the students include identifying what makes something a formula and recalling other formulae they know. The lesson aims to develop fluency in using algebraic expressions to identify formulas and calculate perimeters of rectangles using given values. Reasoning and problem-solving activities challenge students to apply their understanding to real-life situations, such as setting charges for services based on time and using proportionality to bake scones.

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