Percentages - Fractions to percentages - Worksheet

Year 6
Percentages - Fractions to percentages - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The comprehensive worksheets provided by are designed to enhance students' understanding of converting fractions to percentages. The lesson adheres to the National Curriculum objective of solving problems that involve the calculation and comparison of percentages. Students are expected to grasp that 'percent' signifies 'out of 100', a concept they would have encountered in Year 5. The lesson's aim is to teach them how to convert fractions to equivalent fractions with a denominator of 100, thus making it easier to express these fractions as percentages. Critical vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as fraction, percentage, convert, equivalent, denominator, and numerator.

The lesson is structured with a variety of activities to engage different learning levels. For fluency and precision, students begin by converting fractions with a denominator of 100 into percentages and vice versa. As they progress, they tackle fractions with varying denominators and learn to express these as percentages too. The more challenging tasks involve converting more complex fractions into percentages. The worksheet includes reasoning and problem-solving questions where students are asked to compare percentages and fractions to determine greater values, and to justify their reasoning. This helps to deepen their understanding of the relationship between fractions and percentages, and to apply this knowledge to real-world contexts.

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