Decimal - Decimals up to 2 Decimal Places - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In a comprehensive Year 6 maths lesson focused on decimals, students delve into the world of numbers with up to two decimal places. The national curriculum objectives set the stage for learners to identify the value of digits in numbers up to three decimal places and to perform multiplication and division involving decimals. The lesson is peppered with key vocabulary such as decimals, place value, tenths, hundredths, and partitioning, ensuring that students are well-versed in the language of decimals. With resources like place value counters, worksheets, and a presentation, the class is equipped to tackle the intricacies of decimal places. The lesson starts with a review of prior knowledge using place value counters and a grid to create numbers with up to two decimal places. Students then engage in activities that include identifying the value of digits in different decimal places and partitioning decimals to deepen their understanding of place value and its practical applications.
The structure of the lesson is designed to cater to different levels of understanding, with activities ranging from representing decimal numbers using place value charts to more advanced partitioning exercises. Group work encourages collaboration and sharing of strategies, while independent activities challenge students to apply their knowledge through fluently working with decimals and solving problems. The lesson concludes with reflective questions that prompt students to consider the value of digits, the importance of zero as a place holder, and various ways to partition decimal numbers. By addressing common misconceptions and reinforcing the concept of place value, the lesson aims to ensure that students can confidently read, write, and manipulate decimal numbers. To assess their grasp of the subject, students reflect on what they've learned, the skills they've used and found challenging, and the tools that aided their learning, promising to remember the key takeaways from the lesson.