Fractions - Fractions on a number line - Presentation
Maths Resource Description
Lesson 5 of a mathematics teaching resource introduces the concept of placing and identifying fractions on a number line. Students are encouraged to count forwards and backwards in fractions, specifically in fifths, quarters, eighths, and halves, and to place these fractions in the correct order on a number line. The lesson aims to enhance the students' understanding of comparing and ordering fractions, as well as their ability to simplify them when possible. The presentation includes a variety of activities where students are asked to complete number lines with the correct sequence of fractions, such as completing Rosie's number line as she counts in quarters, and Tia's as she counts in halves.
Further activities challenge students to place specific fractions, like 1/4, 1/2, 1/8, 5/8, 7/8, and 3/16, on a number line and estimate their positions. These exercises serve to reinforce the concept of fraction size and the relationship between different fractions. Additionally, the lesson includes reasoning tasks that require students to demonstrate their understanding, such as showing a difference of one quarter on the number line, and plotting sequences to identify which one is the odd one out. Independent work tasks extend the learning, asking students to complete number lines, place numbers accurately, and discuss their findings. These activities are designed to deepen students' comprehension of fractions and their ability to manipulate and compare fractional values within a numerical context.