Fractions - Mix of multiplying and dividing - Planning

Year 6
Fractions - Mix of multiplying and dividing - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a comprehensive Year 6 Autumn term lesson on fractions, students delve into the complexities of both multiplying and dividing fractions. This session serves as a continuation of prior lessons, focusing particularly on scenarios where the numerator isn't a multiple of the integer involved in division. The class begins with a starter activity that prompts students to recap their previous knowledge from lessons 13-16, revisiting activity slides to strengthen their understanding. Key vocabulary such as 'numerator', 'denominator', 'division', 'multiple', and 'integer', among others, are highlighted, and resources like worksheets and presentations are provided to facilitate learning. The lesson aims to address common misconceptions, such as the relationship between multiplication by unit fractions and division by integers, and the patterns observed in the numerators and denominators during these operations.

During independent learning time, students work on differentiated fluency and reasoning worksheets that challenge them to identify patterns when dividing by elevenths, convert mixed numbers to improper fractions, and understand the utility of equivalent fractions in simplifying division problems. The plenary includes a reflective 'Give me five' exercise where students consider what they've learned about multiplying and dividing fractions, the skills they've employed like bar modelling and finding equivalent fractions, and any challenges they've faced. Depending on their proficiency levels—working towards, expected, or greater depth—students engage with activities ranging from using pictorial representations to solve problems, to tackling one-step or two-step problems, and identifying errors in calculations with varying degrees of complexity in the fractions used.

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