Fractions - Divide fractions by integers (2) - Planning

Year 6
Fractions - Divide fractions by integers (2) - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 6 mathematics lesson, students delve into the concept of dividing proper fractions by whole numbers, an essential component of the National Curriculum objectives. The lesson reinforces the ability to recall and use equivalences between fractions, decimals, and percentages across various contexts. The session is enriched with key vocabulary including terms like 'fractions', 'numerator', 'denominator', 'division', and 'equivalent fraction', among others. The teaching materials provided include worksheets and a presentation, complemented by vocabulary cards and definitions to aid understanding. The class begins with a recap of previous learning, setting the stage for the day's focus where students tackle dividing fractions with numerators that are not multiples of the integer divisor.

The lesson is structured into interactive activities, starting with partner discussions on bar modelling to visually represent fraction division. Students explore different methods to solve calculations when the numerator is not a multiple of the divisor, such as finding an equivalent fraction with a divisible numerator. Group work encourages collaborative problem-solving and reasoning, where students justify their methods and share solutions. The lesson concludes with a plenary session that addresses key questions to deepen understanding of the concepts and common misconceptions, such as the relationship between multiplying by a unit fraction and dividing by an integer. By the end of the lesson, students are expected to have grasped various levels of fluency and reasoning, from working towards understanding to achieving greater depth in their knowledge of dividing fractions by integers.

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