Fractions - Compare and order (numerator) - Planning

Year 6
Fractions - Compare and order (numerator) - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 6 maths lesson focused on fractions, students are tasked with comparing and ordering fractions by examining their numerators. The lesson utilises fraction walls as a visual aid to support the students' understanding and is supplemented with worksheets and a presentation. The key vocabulary for the session includes unit fractions, common numerators, and common denominator, with additional resources available for vocabulary cards and definitions. The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning, where students reflect on the concept that with identical numerators, the fraction with the larger denominator represents a smaller value. Students explore different strategies for comparing fractions and determine the most efficient approach, whether it be finding common numerators or denominators.

The lesson includes two main activities: the first requires students to use bar models to compare pairs of fractions, understanding the concept of equivalent fractions and how they are represented visually. The second activity introduces Malachi's method of finding the least common multiple (LCM) of the numerators to compare fractions, and students discuss the limitations of this method. Group work encourages reasoning and discussion, with specific tasks designed to help students recognise the most efficient comparison method and apply their understanding to real-world examples. The lesson concludes with reflection on the skills used, such as finding the LCM and times table recall, and reinforces the importance of understanding the inverse relationship between the size of the denominator and the fraction's value. Differentiated worksheets cater to varying levels of understanding, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth without the aid of visual aids.

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