Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division - Division- 4-digits by 1 digit - Planning

Year 6
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division - Division- 4-digits by 1 digit - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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Year 6 students are delving into the world of division in their third week of the Autumn term, focusing on dividing 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. The National Curriculum objectives set the stage for them to tackle multi-step problems, multiply using long multiplication, and divide using long division, all while understanding how to handle remainders in context. The lesson introduces key vocabulary such as 'divide', 'group', 'exchange', 'divisor', 'total', and 'remainder', which are essential for grasping the concepts taught. Place value counters and worksheets serve as resources, with vocabulary cards and definitions available to support learning.

The lesson starts with a recap of previous learning and swiftly moves to using place value counters to visualise the division process. Students are shown how to group numbers and apply short division methods, with a focus on exchanging when necessary. They practice this technique with additional calculations and compare their answers using comparison symbols. Group work and independent activities further reinforce understanding. The lesson culminates with a real-world application where students solve how much money from a competition prize would be equally divided among four charities. This practical approach helps students see the relevance of division in everyday situations. As they progress, they are encouraged to reflect on what they've learned, the skills they've used, and any challenges they've faced, ensuring they remember the key concepts and methods from the lesson.

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