Place Value - Negative Numbers (1) - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In the second week of the Autumn term, Year 6 students explore the concept of negative numbers as part of their number and place value studies. Building on their Year 5 experiences, the children learn to count forwards and backwards through zero and to understand intervals that span across zero. The lesson uses a variety of resources, including differentiated sheets, teaching slides, a counting stick, and blank number lines, to help visualise and practise these concepts. Key vocabulary such as 'negative number', 'integers', 'whole numbers', 'increase', 'decrease', and 'difference between' is introduced, with vocabulary cards available to aid understanding. The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning and a starter activity, where children answer questions to demonstrate their fluency in the topic.
During the class, the children engage in activities that help them visualise and calculate with negative numbers. For instance, they use a counting stick to count in ones through zero, observing the increase and decrease in values. The stick is used both vertically and horizontally to illustrate the concepts of ascending and descending numbers. Later, students are shown representations using sandcastles and holes to symbolise positive and negative units, aiding them in solving simple calculations involving negative numbers. Further practice involves using a horizontal number line to navigate between positive and negative values. Group work and independent activities consolidate their learning, with reasoning and fluency exercises tailored to different levels of understanding. The lesson aims to correct common misconceptions, such as the relative value of negative numbers, and concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity to ensure students grasp the significance of negative numbers and the skills they've used and found challenging.