Place Value - Round any number within 10 million - Planning

Maths Resource Description
In a comprehensive Year 6 mathematics lesson on place value, students are tasked with rounding any number within 10 million. The lesson begins with a starter that prompts students to recall previous learning, setting the stage for the new skill of rounding large numbers. A set of differentiated worksheets and teaching slides are provided as resources to facilitate the learning process. Key vocabulary such as 'rounding', 'digits', and 'place value', along with terms for numerical positions like 'million', 'hundred thousand', and 'ones', are introduced. Students are encouraged to visit the accompanying website for vocabulary cards and definitions to reinforce their understanding.
The class teaching input focuses on the rules of rounding using 7-digit numbers and place value charts, with students practising rounding to the nearest 10,000, 100,000, and 1,000,000. The lesson emphasises the importance of identifying the specific place value column and considering the digit to the right to determine whether to round up or down. During group work, students engage in reasoning activities, discussing the steps to solve problems and identifying common misconceptions. The plenary includes key questions about the rationale behind rounding rules and the practical applications of rounding to different place values. Students reflect on their learning, skills used, and challenges faced, making a 'pinkie promise' to remember the key points of the lesson. Differentiation is catered for with activities that aim to meet various levels of understanding, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth in rounding and place value identification.