Converting Units - Metric Units - Starter

Year 5
Converting Units - Metric Units - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a mathematics exercise for Year 5 students in their summer term, the children are challenged with a series of problems that require a strong understanding of metric units and conversions. One problem asks students to convert a measurement of 8 centimetres and 1 millimetre into millimetres, which they should calculate as 81mm. Another task involves measuring the perimeter of a given shape by adding the lengths of its sides, all given in a mix of metres and millimetres, necessitating careful conversion to ensure uniformity in the unit of measurement.

The worksheet also includes a practical word problem where a florist has 3,348 flowers and wishes to distribute them evenly across vases, each holding 7 flowers. Students must determine the smallest number of additional flowers the florist would need to ensure that all vases are filled completely. This problem not only tests the pupils' division and multiplication skills but also their ability to apply these skills in a real-world context. The solution to the problem involves dividing the total number of flowers by the number each vase can hold, then figuring out how many more are needed to make up the last vase, which in this case is 5 additional flowers.

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