Decimals - Subtract Decimals with the same number of Decimal Places - Worksheet

Year 5
Decimals - Subtract Decimals with the same number of Decimal Places - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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This worksheet from Master the Curriculum focuses on teaching students how to subtract decimals with the same number of decimal places, emphasising fluency and precision. The exercises present real-life scenarios involving money, where students must calculate the remaining balance after making a purchase. For example, Alicia has £5.63 in her purse and buys an item for a certain amount. Students must figure out how much money she has left. Similarly, Malachi, Tia, Leanna, Diya, Janan, Grace, and Jack all have specific amounts of money from which they spend on items, and the task is to work out their remaining funds. The worksheet provides a range of prices for the items bought, challenging students to accurately perform subtraction operations with decimals.

The worksheet is designed to be interactive, with problems that can be cut out so students can visually arrange and solve them in their books. This hands-on approach aids in reinforcing the concept of decimal subtraction. Additionally, the worksheet is structured to cater to different levels of difficulty, with varying initial amounts of money and costs of items, ensuring that students at different stages can practice and enhance their skills. The worksheet also includes answers for some of the problems, allowing both students and educators to check the accuracy of the calculations. Overall, the objective is to build confidence in handling money-related math problems and to ensure students understand the precision required when working with decimals.

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