Decimals - Subtract Decimals with the same number of Decimal Places - Starter

Year 5
Decimals - Subtract Decimals with the same number of Decimal Places - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the summer term's third week, Year 5 students are presented with a series of mathematical challenges to enhance their fluency in handling numbers and operations. One task involves subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places, a skill that requires precision and understanding of place value. The starter activities are designed to revise fundamental concepts, such as fractions and multiplication, with questions like "one-seventh of 14" and "two times four". These exercises ensure that the children are well-prepared for the more complex tasks ahead.

Further into the lesson, students tackle problems that combine various mathematical operations and concepts. For instance, they are asked to calculate "three less than 93 tens add 6 thousands, 3 hundreds and ninety-seven ones", which not only tests their addition skills but also their understanding of the number system. Another activity requires them to order a set of numbers from greatest to least, sharpening their comparison and sequencing abilities. Additionally, they are presented with a real-life scenario where Tia visits a fruit shop and buys two items; students must determine the maximum and minimum amount she could spend, applying their knowledge of addition and money. The use of a bar model to represent and solve problems is also introduced, providing a visual aid to help students grasp the concept of addition and foster a deeper comprehension of mathematical relationships.

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