Decimals - Adding Decimals with the same number of Decimal Places - Starter
Maths Resource Description
In an engaging mathematics session for Year 5, students tackle the concept of adding decimals with the same number of decimal places. The lesson starts with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise, where pupils are presented with a series of addition problems involving two decimal numbers. For example, they are required to find the sum of 0.85 and 0.44, among other similar calculations. The aim is to build fluency and confidence in handling decimals through practice. Additionally, the lesson includes a practical application of their understanding of decimals and perimeter through a task that involves finding the perimeter of a rectilinear shape with given measurements.
Another real-world application presented in the lesson is a problem-solving scenario where George needs to purchase disposable plates for a scout camp. The plates are sold in sets of six, and George requires a total of 4,990 plates. The students must calculate the number of sets George should buy and determine if there will be any spare plates. This exercise not only reinforces division and multiplication skills but also encourages students to apply their mathematical knowledge to solve everyday problems. The lesson concludes with the correct answers to the exercises, where students can check their work and understand any mistakes they may have made.