Decimals - Subtract Decimals with Different Decimal Places - Planning

Year 5
Decimals - Subtract Decimals with Different Decimal Places - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The Year 5 maths lesson plan focuses on teaching students how to subtract decimals with different numbers of decimal places. The lesson starts with a recap of subtraction vocabulary, followed by a demonstration using a place value chart and column subtraction to highlight the importance of aligning the numbers correctly. Students are encouraged to discuss and find efficient methods for subtraction during partner talk. They then put their learning into practice with a practical activity using place value charts, counters, and worksheets to reinforce their understanding. Another practical session involves solving a real-life problem involving money, helping students to grasp the concept of tenths and hundredths and their relationship to pence.

The lesson continues with reasoning activities that address common misconceptions, such as aligning digits incorrectly and the use of zero as a placeholder. Students are asked to correct mistakes and explain their reasoning using sentence stems, which promotes a deeper understanding of the subtraction process. Independent work is tailored to different levels of ability, from laying out calculations correctly to finding missing parts in decimal subtraction. The plenary involves a reflective 'Give me five' exercise where students evaluate what they have learned, the skills they used, and what they found challenging. They also make a 'pinkie promise' to remember key aspects of the lesson. This structured approach ensures that students not only learn how to subtract decimals but also understand the underlying principles and can apply them to various problems.

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