Decimals - Add Decimals with Different Decimal Places - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In the second week of the summer term, Year 5 students tackle the challenge of adding decimals with varying decimal places. The lesson begins with a small step starter that prompts students to recall the value of each digit and the vocabulary for addition. This is reinforced through a "Say it with me!" exercise. The class then moves on to practical activities using a place value chart and counters to help visualise the calculations. The children learn to align the numbers correctly by 'balancing' the calculation, adding a zero where necessary to ensure that columns match up. This skill is pivotal as students work through the presentation and worksheets provided, with opportunities to estimate answers as a checking mechanism.
Throughout the lesson, various activities engage students in understanding and applying the column method. They use pictorial representations and counters to support their learning and are encouraged to articulate their thought process using sentence stems. Partner work fosters collaboration as children explore different methods of calculation, including the use of number bonds and alternative representations like bar models. A reasoning task addresses common misconceptions, asking students to identify and correct errors, thus deepening their understanding of place value. The lesson culminates with a plenary that includes a reflective "Give me five" exercise, where students consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, any challenges faced, and the key points to remember. Differentiated worksheets cater to varying levels of ability, ensuring all students can progress towards mastering the addition of decimals with different decimal places.