Decimals - Add and Subtract Decimals problem solving same decimal place - Planning
Maths Resource Description
During a Year 5 summer term lesson on decimals, students are introduced to the concept of adding and subtracting decimal numbers with the same number of decimal places. The lesson commences with a review of prior knowledge, where students are prompted to provide examples of numbers with equal decimal places. Utilising place value charts and counters, the class is led through a series of activities designed to deepen their understanding of decimal problem solving. The first activity involves identifying missing numbers in addition calculations, with a focus on the connection between the abstract calculation, its pictorial representation, and the column method. Students are encouraged to recall the concept of 'exchange' from previous lessons and apply it to the new content.
Subsequent activities build upon this foundation, as students tackle subtraction problems using similar methods and materials, such as whiteboards and place value counters. The third activity challenges students with a word problem that they must represent using a bar model, testing their ability to visualise and solve more complex decimal problems. The lesson concludes with differentiated activities targeting various levels of proficiency, from solving simpler problems with minimal exchanging to tackling multi-step problems that involve doubling and halving decimals. Throughout the lesson, students reflect on what they've learned, the skills they've utilised, and any difficulties encountered, ensuring they consolidate their knowledge and are prepared to remember the key points for future application.