Decimals - Subtract Decimals with the same number of Decimal Places - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In the second week of the summer term for Year 5, students delve into the world of decimals, focusing on subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places. The National Curriculum objectives for this week include recognising and writing decimal equivalents for tenths and hundredths, understanding the effect of dividing numbers by 10 or 100, and solving simple measure and money problems involving decimals up to two decimal places. Students will also learn to convert between different units of measure, such as from kilometres to metres. Key vocabulary such as 'decimal number', 'place value grid', and 'column method' are introduced and reinforced throughout the lesson. The class teaching involves practical activities using place value charts and counters, with the aim of helping students understand the process of subtracting decimals in a visual and hands-on way.
The lesson plan includes a variety of activities to ensure a thorough understanding of the topic. Students start with a recap of previous learning, followed by practical exercises where they use place value charts and counters to visually subtract decimal numbers, moving on to writing column subtraction. They work in pairs and independently to solve problems, with opportunities to explain their methods and share answers. The lesson also encourages drawing pictorial representations such as bar models and number lines. To wrap up, children apply their skills to worded problems and are prompted to articulate their reasoning. The lesson addresses common misconceptions about exchanging and equivalence and emphasises the use of zero as a placeholder. Differentiated worksheets are provided to cater to various levels of proficiency, from working towards the expected level to achieving greater depth. By the end of the lesson, students are expected to have a solid grasp of subtracting decimals and be able to apply this knowledge to practical problems.