Decimals - Adding Decimals with the same number of Decimal Places - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In the Year 5 summer term lesson on adding decimals with the same number of decimal places, students consolidate their understanding of decimal addition through a variety of engaging activities. The lesson begins with a starter that prompts children to recall the relevant vocabulary, such as 'addend' and 'sum', and to annotate calculations correctly. They are encouraged to say the terms aloud, reinforcing their familiarity with the terminology. The class teaching input involves a practical exercise where students use a place value chart and counters to visually add decimal numbers, with the option to also write the corresponding column method. This hands-on approach helps to cement the concept of decimal alignment and the importance of place value in calculations.
During group work, children apply their skills to real-life scenarios, such as using play money to determine which items could be purchased within a budget, exploring the highest and lowest possible amounts, and working systematically to find different options. This activity is designed to deepen their understanding and encourage strategic thinking. Independent learning is supported by differentiated worksheets that cater to varying levels of ability, from working towards fluency to achieving greater depth. The plenary includes a 'Give me five' reflection where students consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, and any difficulties they encountered, ensuring they remember the key points of the lesson. Misconceptions such as misaligning numbers or incorrectly moving the decimal point are addressed, and the importance of using zero as a placeholder is emphasized.