Decimals and Percentages - Equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages - Starter
Maths Resource Description
This educational resource provides a variety of activities for Year 5 students to master the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percentages during the Spring term's eleventh week. The 'Fluent in Four' revision section challenges students to convert given fractions into their decimal and percentage equivalents, reinforcing their understanding of numerical equivalences. For instance, students are tasked with finding the decimal and percentage form of fractions such as 37/41 or 7/41, enhancing their fluency in numerical conversions. Additionally, the resource includes a time-telling exercise where students translate a digital time format, such as "01:23", into a phrase, like "23 past 1 a.m.", further developing their time-reading skills.
Another aspect of the resource focuses on comparing areas of shapes, where students must determine which of two shapes covers the most surface and by how much one is larger or smaller than the other. This is complemented by a table completion activity that involves recording the growth of an object over a six-week period, with measurements given in centimetres for each week. Students also engage with diagrams where they must complete sentence stems, identifying the number of parts per hundred shaded and converting this into a percentage, such as recognising that 52 shaded parts equate to 52%. These exercises not only enhance mathematical skills but also encourage critical thinking and comparative analysis.