Decimals and Percentages - Decimals up to 2 Decimal Places - Starter
Maths Resource Description
The Spring Term Week 10 starter activities for Year 5 students involve engaging tasks that blend decimals and percentages with practical arithmetic. The exercises begin with a Fluent in Four revision where students are asked to combine different place values such as tens, hundreds, and ones, and then add further hundreds and ones to find a total sum. For instance, students are tasked to add six tens, nine hundreds, and four ones to seventy-three hundreds and eighty-seven ones. After calculating the sum, they must represent the number and use comparison symbols to compare it with another number. This exercise not only reinforces their understanding of place value and addition but also introduces them to comparative reasoning.
In another part of the starter, students work with a number line to complete calculations involving subtraction, providing a visual aid to understand the concept of decrementing numbers. For example, they might start with the number 19 and subtract various single-digit numbers, marking the results on the number line. Additionally, the activity includes a set of problems where students convert representations of pencils into numerical values, further cementing their grasp of decimals and units of measurement. This practical approach to learning ensures that students can apply mathematical concepts to everyday contexts, enhancing their numerical literacy and problem-solving skills.